Java Certification Books
Java 1.1 Certification Study Guide
Sun Microsystems-the creator of Java-offers a Certification Exam that programmers take to demonstrate their proficiency with the language. Passing the test can mean a higher salary or a better job. This book is the ultimate authority for taking the test -since the author of the book actually developed the exam for Sun! He designed and implemented the testing guidelines and wrote the questions! This Study Guide covers every exam objective defined by Sun--including sample questions and annotated answers-and has been given the stamp of approval from the Sun Education Team.
JavaTM Certification Tutorial
This tutorial highlights important concepts that you must know for Sun's JavaTM Certification exam. Read the tutorial when you have grasped the fundamentals of the JavaTM technology and want to prepare for the Certification exam. The tutorial covers all the topics that are part of the Java certification exam. For some topics the description may be a little brief and you may want to refer to some Java Certification book. The section covers Java technology basics like reserved words, identifier names, primitive types, contents of a Java source file etc. It also covers Java's command line arguments.
A Programmer's Guide to Java (tm) Certification
Sun Microsystems' Sun Certified Programmer exam (Sun CJPE) allows programmers to validate their valuable Java programming skills and provides the IT industry wth a standard to use when recruiting professional. A Programmer's Guide to JavaTM Certification prepares readers for the CJPE by teaching them sound Java programming skills and covering the core language and all the major APIs. Requiring minimal Java experience, a Programmer's Guide to JavaTM Certification is the surest way to accomplish the exam. In addition, it is a comprehensive primer providing coverage of additional topics that every Java programmer should master to be proficient in this field.
Java Programmer Certification
This page is devoted to Java programmer certification, the exam which is commonly known as SCPJ2 or SCJP. The page contains list and links to several excellent resources for Java programmer certification and I have used most of them myself. So I'll share my first hand experience with you. I have refrained from providing data such as exam fees and exam objectives here because they can change anytime, also it is different for different countries and more importantly the most authentic source for such information is always Sun's own site; besides you can always ask your local prometric center for these details. Also, there are dedicated and highly active sites like and Marcus Green's which can provide you with such details.
Java Certification Books
The book I followed throughout the preparation is the incredible one by Khalid Moghul & Rasmussen. I think it's somewhat more exhaustive and arduous than is perhaps needed for the exam. But frankly, if one has the twin objectives of passing the exam as well as develop a lasting appreciation and love for the Java language, this is the book. Believe me, it's one of those books you would like to keep on-shelf for reference even after passing your exam. There are two other books, that I glanced through and could read only partially. But I ensured solving all the review questions/ mock exam of these books.
Java Certification
Certification in a particular technology increases advancement opportunities at the workplace and asserts that the certified individual is qualified to do a certain level of tasks. For the Java developer, Sun Microsystems' Certified Programmer certification is the starting point. In this article, I'll tell you what this cert requires and how you can prepare for it. For a look at the various certifications in Sun's Java Technology Professional Development Path. This is my mock Exam No 1 based on the Objectives for the Sun Java Programmers Exam. It was created by Marcus Green ([email protected]) and may be freely distributed so long as it is unmodified. Please email me if you have any corrections or comments, but please read this document first.
Java Skinny
Welcome to the Java Skinny. This is a collection of resources about Java designed to assist with studying for and taking the Java Certification Exam. Currently this site is under development and I only have a few files that I am working on available. You feedback on information in these file would be very valuable. Send any comments to me at [email protected]. The Java tutorial on the JavaSoft site is very detailed and a good place to start learning about Java. You can also download the tutorial for study off-line. Another good Java tutorial is The Real Scoop on Java, Richard Baldwin's Java Programming Tutorials. It has a couple of tutorials.
Java Certification Mock exam
After I became a Sun Certified Java Programmer (conducted by Sun Microsystems), I thought of trying to help other aspirants. This was the only way I could think of showing my gratitude to all the persons who helped me by providing excellent java resources related to java certification on their sites. So, I designed a java mock exam applet. The questions are a bit harder than the real exam. This exam covers almost all of the objectives, except very simple points. This exam was designed with SCPJ2 exam in view. Though, Sun Microsystems has launched a new version of the exam (Java 1.4), most of the objectives remain the same. So, this mock exam remains useful to aspirants of the either version of the exam.
An SCJP 1.4 certification primer
The Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) examination has recently been updated for J2SE 1.4, which means you'll have to jump through some new hoops to get a passing score. In this primer to SCJP certification, Pradeep Chopra, cofounder of Whizlabs Software, outlines some of the most important changes to the SCJP 1.4 exam, suggests several ways to prepare for it, and offers some sample questions to get you started. This article has been updated to reflect changes to the Whizlabs company name and product name, and to include links to the recently launched instructor-led, online training for SCJP 1.4.Sun Microsystems introduced a new version of the Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) exam, updated to reflect the changes to the Java platform over the past couple of years. As a result, the SCJP is now available in two versions: SCJP 1.2 and SCJP 1.4.
Programmer's Guide to Java? Certification, A: A Comprehensive Primer
To pass the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 exam (SCPJ2 1.4) you need this book. It is written for any experienced programmer (with or without previous knowledge of Java) interested in mastering the Java programming language and passing the SCPJ2 1.4 exam. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to focus on the latest version of the exam (CX-310-035). In particular, it contains more in-depth explanations of the syntax and usage of core language features that are now emphasized on the exam. The accompanying CD contains a version of the SCPJ2 1.4 Exam Simulator developed by Whizlabs Software, which includes several mock exams and simulates the exam-taking experience. The CD also contains the complete source code for all the examples, and solutions to the programming exercises.
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide
Java 5.0 contains over 100 improvements that simplify development, improve performance and manageability...and require a whole new set of certification exams. If you?re studying for the new SCJP or SCJD, Phil Heller and Simon Roberts have revamped their best-selling study guide to systematically prep you for Sun?s new objectives. Part I systematically reviews every objective on the Programmer?s Exam: operators, assignments, modifiers, converting, casting, flow control, assertions, exceptions, objects, classes, threads, java.lang, java.util, I/O, streams, and more. Next, the authors turn to Sun?s tough programming assignments. The Developer Exam requires you to write a substantial application with a Swing-built GUI client front-end, server back-end, and network communications.
Powell's Books-Programmers Guide To Java Certification
This book allows readers to master the Java programming language, teaching them what they need to know to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer Examination. In their approach, the authors bring the sound pedagogical teaching practices from their university environment while bearing in mind the practical result-oriented realities of the IT industry. No previous Java experience and only some programming experience is required. Readers will also find that they can use this book as a self-study guide. We have written A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification to allow the reader to master the Java programming language. Mastering the language should naturally culminate in the practical goal of passing the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform exam. In addition to preparing the reader thoroughly for the exam, this book also provides comprehensive coverage of all the essential Java features and core Application Programming Interfaces that every proficient Java programmer should master.
TWiki Javapedia Certification
The concept of Certification is to guarantee minimum level of competence in a specific area. Being certified does not make anyone a better programmer, but certification helps qualify some of the candidates for a position. Certification is just one method of filtering employees. Language certification is not the only form of certification available for the professional software developer. IEEE computing provides a generalized software certification focusing on the engineering aspects of programming. Tool vendors such as IBM also offer Web sphere Studio certification. There are many critics of certification, especially when the purpose of certification is to raise money for vendor, rather than a policing mechanism for the vendor technology.
Bill's Java Certification Resources
The Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform certification is the first level of certification for the Java language. Sun started certifying programmers back in 1996 when the 1.02 JDK was the current language version. The Java 2 Platform (or JDK 1.2) was released in December 1998, and we are now up to SDK 1.5 as the official release. Sun has a number of Java related certifications! There will be some confusion due to the fact that Java 1.5 is also referred to as Java 5.0. The marketdroids just can't seem to leave the nomenclature alone. Follow these links for the different objectives .
Java Certification Jumpstart
Written by an experienced developer and trainer, Java Certification Jumpstart gives you the solid foundation you need to approach a career in Java programming with confidence:
Understanding the certification process
Mastering the key concepts of the Java language
Using Java keywords and syntax correctly
Understanding the key techniques of object oriented programming
Creating class files and objects
Adding control flow processing to give your code intelligence
Working with arrays and other collection types
Handling errors using the exception-handling mechanism
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5
Review of Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide (Exam 310-035 & 310-027) Copyright 2003 ISBN: 0072226846 Having spent three weeks reading Part I (The Programmer Exam) I took the exam and passed with a score of 95%. I think that speaks for itself. I can't comment on Part II (The Developer Exam) because I have only browsed through it, although if it's up to the same standard as the first part I'm sure it will be of great use when the time comes.I can, however, speak with authority about Part I having read it word for word, and taken the Self Tests at the end of each chapter. I chose this particular book over its competitors primarily because it was the most recently published, and also because I got the impression that other 1.4 study guides were hastily rehashed versions of the earlier 1.2 (310-025) versions.
Sun Certification Training Guide
This book helps readers pass the Java certification exams by mapping the content directly to the exams' objectives. This feature helps readers quickly and easily understand test objectives, which maximizes their study time. This book is technically accurate and satisfies the reader's primary objective: to pass the exam. It meets these needs with Objective Explanations, Case Studies, Lab and Step-by-Step Exercises, Multiple Self-Assessment Opportunities, Study Strategies, Exam Tips, Review Breaks and Summaries, Key Terms, Notes, Warnings, and Fast Facts.