Java class in JSP

To use a Java class method in jsp first we need to import a package inside which there is java class.

Java class in JSP

Java class in JSP


To use a Java class method in jsp first we need to import a package inside which there is java class. We will import the package by using page directive and one of its attribute import. To use the class inside the jsp page we now need to create an object of the class by using the new operator. At last use the instance of the class to access the methods of the java file.

To perform this example we need to create a java class. In this example we are making a class named as DateDemo inside a package. Declare one method named returnDate() inside the class. Now in the jsp page import the package which we have declared in the java class. This package is used inside the page directive. Now make a object of the java class and by the instance of the java class call the method defined inside the java class. 

The code of the program is given below:


package Date;
import java.util.*;
public class DateDemo{
public Date returnDate() {
Date d=new Date();
return d;


<%@ page import="Date.DateDemo"%>
		<title>This is the date example</title>
	<% DateDemo demo = new DateDemo();
	out.println("Current date : " + demo.returnDate();%>)

The output of the program is given below:

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