We can also pass the value from a JSP page to the java script as we have done in our previous
Java Pass Value Example
- Pass value from JSP to JavaScript
We can also pass the value from a JSP page to the java script as we have done in our previous example of passing values to the java script from the HTML page. Since in JSP page we can embed HTML tags as well.
- Pass value from child to parent window
We can pass values from a child window in Html to the parent window. This can be done very easily. Here is the program that takes the value from the child window and then pass it to the parent window.
- Pass values from form to form
There are many occasions when the programmer need to pass some value to many pages in their application. For example in a shopping cart application programmer wants that if user have logged once then until it logs out his name should be displayed on the other page of the application. So it is most frequently used in to the different applications.
- Pass value from iframe to parent
iframe creates an inline frame in which we can put another page. We can pass values from iframe to the parent page with the use of java script.
- Example program to pass value from Html to java
We can also pass the values from html code to java script easily. To show this we have created an example Html page which will pass the value to the java script function and this value will be shown with the java script's alert() method.