Class Average Program

This is a simple program of Java class.

Class Average Program

This is a simple program of Java class.

Class Average Program

Class Average Program


This is a simple program of Java class. In this tutorial we will learn how to use java program for displaying average value. The java instances of the class, represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application. The class declares members instance and static initializes, and constructors.

Description this program 

Here in program we are going to use Class. First of all  we have to define class named "AverageExample". To calculate the values and define method class  for values set method "set_values". Then after that to the define values integer type of array and double values. 

Now again declare the values integer "i". This program are going to performming the static class for average values. Then after we are going to create integer for "sum" or "i". Here are applying for loop condition for sum values. Then calculate the value this method "average = (double) sum / (double)l" . So output will be display by using "System.out.println( )" on the screen command prompt.

Here is the code of this program

public class AverageExample{
  static int l = 100;
  public static int[] values;
  public static double average;

  public static void set_values() {
  int i;
  values = new int[l];
  for(i=0; i<l; i++) {
  values[i(int) (100.0*Math.random());
 public static void avg() {
  int sum=0, i;
  for(i=0; i<l; i++) {
  sum += values[i];
  average = (doublesum / (double)l;
  public static void main(String args[]){
  System.out.println("The value is " + average);

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