S - Java Terms

This section illustrates you how to convert a string into its integer equivalent.

S - Java Terms

S - Java Terms


  1. String to Int Conversion
    This section illustrates you how to convert a string into its integer equivalent. To demonstrate the conversion of string into an integer we are taking an example that take string as input and converts it into its integer equivalent value.
  2. Software Quality with JAVA
    Quality achievements in any software i.e. "quality of source code" it matters a lot to any project.
  3. Java Synchronized
    The keyword synchronized entitled to the method or block is used to prevent it from being accessed simultaneously and save the state of an object from being corrupted.
  4. Java-string
    In this section, you will learn about the java string. Java String is a set of characters such as the string "Hello". It is a combination of H, e, l, l, o. All String literals are instances of this class and two string literals with the same contents refer to the same String object.
  5. Java Server Pages(JSP)
    JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides a simplified, fast way to create dynamic web content. It is a server side scripting that enables rapid development of web-based applications that are server and platform-independent. 
  6. Java Session Beans
    A session bean is the enterprise bean that directly interacts with the user and contains the business logic of the enterprise application. A session bean object is a short-lived object that executes on behalf of a single client. 
  7. Servlet
    Servlets are server side components that provide a powerful mechanism for developing server side programs. It is a small program that runs on a server.
  8. Java Message Services
    JMS (Java Message Service) is a Java API that allows java applications to communicate with other messaging implementations by creating, sending, receiving, and reading messages.
  9. SAAJ
    SAAJ stands for SOAP with Attachments API for Java - contains APIs for creating and populating SOAP messages, which may or may not contain attachments.
  10. SAX Parser
    The Simple API for XML (SAX) is a serial access parser API for XML. It is used to read, update, create and manipulate an XML document.
  11. RequestDispatcher vs sendRedirect
    A Controller servlet can conclude either a forward or a redirect operation at the end of processing a request. Here are the basic differences between a requestDispatcher's forward() and sendRedirect() of the ServletResponse interface.
  12. JSP Scriplet
    A scriptlet can have any number of statements, variable or method declarations, or expressions that must be valid in the page scripting language.
  13. Java-Set
    Collections are objects that hold other objects which are maintained under some set of rules. A set is a public interface that extends the collection interface and comes under the collection framework
  14. Java-Stack
    The Stack class works on the principle last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects. It extends the Vector class of the legacy classes having five operations allowing a vector to be treated as a stack.
  15. Java-SubString
    String class provides number of methods for manipulating the strings. substring() is one of the method of String class that is used to get some part of the original string as String object. substring provides a way of making a copy of a piece of a String.
  16. Java Swing
    Swing works as a widget toolkit for Java and is a part of JFC and are replacement for weak and inflexible AWT controls for providing more sophisticated graphical user interface (GUI) components for Java programs.
  17. java Switch Statement
    In java, switch is one of the control statement which turns the normal flow control of the program as per conditions. It's like if-else statement but it can reduce the number of if statements.
  18. ServletContext
    ServletContext is an interface that is defined in the javax.servlet package. It describes a set of methods for communicating with the servlet container. For example, dispatch requests, to get the MIME type of a file, or write to a log file.
  19. short Java Keyword
    The short is a keyword defined in the java programming language.
  20. Static java Keyword
    The static is a keyword defined in the java programming language.
  21. super java Keyword
    The super is a keyword defined in the java programming language. 
  22. switch java keyword
    The switch is a keyword defined in the java programming language. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler in java programming language likewise the switch keyword indicates
  23. synchronized Java Keyword
    The synchronized is a keyword defined in the java programming language. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler in java programming language likewise the synchronized keyword indicates.
  24. Singleton class
    The singleton design pattern allows to have one and only one instance of an object to be created within the whole application.
  25. Static
    Static means one each class, rather than per for each object regardless of how many instance of a class might exist. It means that they can be used without creating an instance of a class.
  26. strictfp
    strictfp is a Java keyword that restricts floating-point calculations in order to ensure portability. The modifier was added to the Java programming language with the Java virtual machine version 1.2.
  27. Sub-class in java
    In Java, there is a concept of Inheritance which is implemented through a super class and subclass definition and achieved through the object creation process, programmatically.
  28. Super-class in java
    In Java, there is a concept of Inheritance which is implemented through a superclass and subclass definition and achieved through the object creation process, programmatically.
  29. Super - keyword
    super is a keyword in java that plays an important role in case of inheritance. Super keyword is used to access the members of the super class. Java uses this keyword to resolve two purposes.