Java Development Kit

Java Development Kit (JDK) is a product developed by Sun MicroSystem aimed at Java developers.

Java Development Kit

Java Development Kit


Java Development Kit
(JDK) is a product developed by Sun MicroSystem aimed at Java developers. Since the Java is introduced, it has been by far the most widely used Java SDK. Here are the tools that are included in Java Development Kit.

JDK contents

 JDK includes the following programming tools:

  • java: The tool java is an interpreter, that is also known as launcher of Java applications. This tool interprets the class files generated by the  compiler (javac).
  • javac: This tool is known as compiler that converts the source code into Java bytecode
  • jar: The tool jar (java archive files) combines the related class libraries into a single JAR file.
  • javadoc:  The javadoc tool generates the document from our source code comments.
  • jdb: It is a debugging tool that is used for debugging the application.
  • javap: It works as a disassembler for the class files.
  • appletviewer: appletviewer runs and debug Java applets without a web browser
  • javah:  This is the C header and stub generator. It also writes the native methods
  • extcheck: This tool is used for detecting Jar conflicts
  • apt: This tool processes the annotations
  • jhat: This tool analysis the java heap
  • jstack:  This tool prints the Java stack traces generated by Java threads
  • jstat: It works as the Java Virtual Machine statistics monitoring tool

Except all the above tools there are various other tools like jstatd, jinfo, jmap, idlj, policy tool. But we have discussed all the commonly used tools.