Hibernate Query Language

In the previous issue of Javajazzup you learned about Hibernate Query Language and its different kind of clauses.

Hibernate Query Language

Hibernate Query Language


In the previous issue of Javajazzup you learned about Hibernate Query Language and its different kind of clauses. Lets quickly focus on the overview of HQL.

Introduction to Hibernate Query Language Hibernate Query Language or HQL for short is extremely powerful query language. HQL is much like SQL and are case-insensitive, except for the names of the Java Classes and properties. HQL has its own object-oriented query language and supports native SQL. It automatically generates the sql query and executes it against underlying database.
  1. Criteria
    The interface org.hibernate.Criteria is used to create the criterion for the search. It is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Criterion objects. This is a very convenient approach for functionality like ?search? screens where there is a number of conditions or fields to be placed upon the result set.

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