Flex KeyboardEvent Listener

Example below demonstrates the working of KeyboardEvent
listeners. In the example when certain specific keys are pressed the function eventListener
invokes the functions neo and trinity. These specific keys are
shift and ctrl which when pressed together opens a web page url.
Also listener for keys are created using conditional statements and with these
listeners when ever the boolean condition becomes true, an alert
box is generated.
<?xml version = '1.0'?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx = 'http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml'
public function eventListener():void{
application.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, neo);
this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, trinity);
public function neo(eve:KeyboardEvent):void{
var CtrlKey:Boolean = eve.shiftKey;
var ShiftKey:Boolean = eve.shiftKey;
var url_0:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.roseindia.net/flex");
import mx.controls.Alert;
public function trinity(eve:KeyboardEvent):void{
txt.text = magic(eve.charCode) + " (" + String(eve.charCode) + ")"
+ magic(eve.keyCode) + " (" + String(eve.keyCode) + ")";
var power:int = eve.keyCode;
if(100 < power < 105)
Alert.show("Welcome to roseindia\n" + txt.text);
public function magic(IntVal:int):String {
if (IntVal > 47 && IntVal < 58) {
var strIntVals:String = "0123456789";
return strIntVals.charAt(IntVal - 48);
} else if (IntVal > 64 && IntVal < 91) {
return strCaps.charAt(IntVal - 65);
} else if (IntVal > 96 && IntVal < 123) {
var strLow:String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
return strLow.charAt(IntVal - 97);
} else {
return IntVal.toString();
.eve {color : #660000}
TextArea {font-size : 18pt}
<mx:Canvas backgroundColor = '#CCFF00' width = '100%'
height = '100%'>
<mx:TitleWindow title = 'roseindia.net'
showCloseButton = 'true' width = '40%' height = '30%'>
<mx:TextArea id = 'txt' width = '80%'
height = '50%' styleName = 'eve'/>
<mx:Text id = 'tnt' color = "#CCFFFF"/>

when the ctrl + shift is pressed following url
web page opens in you default browser
Download the code