CSS Designer

CSS Designer is now availabe as part of the Web Designer.

CSS Designer

CSS Designer


CSS Designer is now availabe as part of the Web Designer.

JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS, HTML and JSP files.

Key features

  1. Integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS, HTML and JSP files
  2. The CSS Styles view allows you to view, create and delete style sheets and style rules
  3. CSS declaration designer facilitates style authoring by semantically grouped property editing controls
  4. Allows to create and delete style sheets and style rules directly in HTML files
  5. Preview directly in the CSS declaration designer dialog
  6. Web-oriented color picker - allows you to pick from HTML, SVG, system and web-safe colors and to use the system color picker for custom colors


  1. Operating system - Windows or Linux
  2. JRE 1.4.2 or newer
  3. Eclipse 3.1 with WTP 1.0 or Eclipse 3.2/Callisto with WTP 1.5

Come to more detail: http://www.jointlogic.com/cssdesigner/