Wind River Workbench Development Suite

Wind River Workbench unlocks the value of Wind River's run-time platforms through tight integration between the tools and operating system software.

Wind River Workbench Development Suite

Wind River Workbench Development Suite


Wind River Workbench unlocks the value of Wind River's run-time platforms through tight integration between the tools and operating system software. It addresses the challenges individual developers and project teams face by increasing productivity, enabling collaboration between hardware and software developers, and meeting diverse development needs across an enterprise. Workbench is backed by Wind River's 25+ years of device software industry experience, a world-class support organization, and a specialized professional services team.

Workbench offers:

  1. An open, unifying framework that provides seamless integration of third-party tools and tools developed to meet specific needs
  2. Support for VxWorks and Linux
  3. Support for multiple target operating systems, including VxWorks and Linux
  4. Support for multiple target connections and process/task/thread debugging
  5. Support for multiple hosts and CPU target architectures
  6. Installation as a plug-in for your existing Eclipse environment or as a complete integrated environment

Our Workbench product line offers several configurations, enabling businesses to outfit their device software developers with a package tuned to their specific requirements.

Wind River Workbench, Platform Developer Edition

The premier Workbench configuration provides a complete development solution for devices based on VxWorks and Linux. Developers have access to the full range of capabilities required for hardware bring-up, platform and system software development, and kernel- and application-level development. This release also incorporates deep dynamic visual debugging, system analysis, and validation capabilities.

Wind River Workbench, Application Developer Edition

This configuration of Workbench provides a powerful development solution for Linux application developers who do not require advanced capabilities, such as hardware bring-up or kernel-level development and debugging support. This edition of Workbench can be used to develop and debug on a target device in production, or natively on a Linux host.

Wind River Workbench, On-Chip Debugging Edition

This configuration of Workbench is designed to meet the needs of developers early in the device software development cycle?handling initial board bring-up and validation, developing device drivers, incorporating low-level software capabilities, and developing C/C++ applications. This edition offers a feature-rich development suite optimized for the capabilities of JTAG-based debugging using Wind River ICE and Wind River Probe. Where a target operating system is involved, target OS awareness extends the on-chip debugging capabilities of Workbench to include support for VxWorks 5.5/6.x and Linux.

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