Creational Patterns
This design category is all about the class instantiation.
Creational pattern uses class-creation patterns and object-creational
patterns. The class-creation pattern uses inheritance effectively in the
instantiation process while object-creation pattern uses delegation to get the
job done. All the creational patterns define the best possible way to
instantiate an object. They describes the best way to create the object
instances. Many times, nature of the created object changes according
to the nature of the program. In such scenarios, we use patterns to give
this a more general and flexible approach, for example a object instance can
be created using a new operator, which is a hard coding methodology ( hard
coding should be the last option to go with).
There are five types of Creational Patterns.
1. Factory Pattern
2. Abstract Factory Pattern
3. Builder Pattern
4. Prototype Pattern
5. Singleton Pattern