swings header

have a string1 it contains 3 parts,for example "123456 service hello" and string2 contains text "change request " like this. and the string3 should contain "123456 +(second string)+ hello" "second string can be dynamic data whatever we give from string2,that should be displayed on the screen. i need logic for this program . i want to apply this to window header part. Thanks in advance

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September 20, 2011 at 4:08 PM

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

class Header{
    public static void main(String []args){
      String st1="123456 service hello";
      String arr[]=st1.split(" ");
      String st2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter string2: ");
      String st3=st1.replace(arr[1],st2);
      JFrame f=new JFrame(st3);
      JLabel l=new JLabel(st3);

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