Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
Struts Action ClassStruts Action Class What happens if we do not write execute() in
Action class Login Action Class - StrutsLogin
Action Class Hi
Any one can you please give me example of
Struts How Login
Action Class Communicate with i-batis
DTO & Action class - StrutsDTO &
Action class Hi I am really new to struts2.
I just wanted to know that if I have a DTO and an
action class, how do I put the form
data into the DTO?
Can someone please explain with a simple example
autocall for sturts action class - Strutsautocall for sturts
action class Hi All,
We are developing a web application with
struts frame work. In this project I have to call an
action... in the server on
action class should run automatically. how can I do this. help me
Understanding Struts Action Class
Struts Action Class
Action class in the
struts application extends
Struts... in this page). Here is
code of our
Action Class:ADS_TO_REPLACE_3
Is Multiple Actions in Action class - StrutsIs Multiple Actions in
Action class In ActionClass we can use only one
action i.e execute(), but in DispatchAction we can use multiple actions.My question is , we can use multiple actions in
Action class if(action.equals("add
User Registration Action Class and DAO code
User Registration
Action Class and DAO
code... to write
code for
action class and
code for performing database operations (saving
data into database).
Action ClassADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Action Forgot Password Action,Struts Forgot Password Action class,from);
The complete
code of forgot password
action is given below ADS...;
class UserForgetPasswordAction extends
}catch(Exception e){
Error in
sending mail:"+e
Struts 2 Action TagStruts 2
Action Tag
action" Tag in
Struts 2 is used by developer to call
action class from a JSP
page. For calling the
action class, developer must assign
action name.
Struts 2
Action Tag is one of the
Data Tags, which are used
Struts(1.3) action code for file uploadStruts(1.3)
action code for file upload Hi All,
I want to upload... application using HttpUrlConnection.
How can i write my
action code to handled Multipart form
data. I used FormFile and is working fine with
struts jsp
download file Error in struts2 action classdownload file
Error in struts2
action class Hi,
i am using bellow block of
code for download file :
public void downloadGreeting(String...("
Error in downloadGreeting()");
} else
servlet action not available - Strutsservlet
action not available hi
i am new to
struts and i am getting the
error "servlet
action not available".why it is displaying this
Struts Blank Application
Developing Login Action Class for login
action class and database
code for validating the user against database.
Developing Login
Action Class
Developing Login
Action Class
Action classes in strutsAction classes in struts how many type
action classes are there in
Hi Friend,
There are 8 types of
Action classes:
action tag - Strutsaction tag Is possible to add parameters to a
struts 2
action tag? And how can I get them in an
Action Class. I mean: xx.jsp Thank you
Struts dispatch action - StrutsStruts dispatch action i am using dispatch
action. i send the parameter="addUserAction" as querystring.ex:
at this time it working fine...
now it showing
javax.servlet.ServletException: Request[/View/user] does
Struts 2 action-validation.xml not loadingStruts 2
action-validation.xml not loading Hi All,
I am getting...
SERVER : Caught exception while loading file package/
action-validation.xml...-validation.xml is package/src/
class name/
Could you please let me
Struts Action ClassesStruts Action Classes 1) Is necessary to create an ActionForm to LookupDispatchAction.
If not the program will not executed.
2) What is the beauty of Mapping Dispatch
Action Error - StrutsError Hi,
I downloaded the roseindia first
struts example and configured in eclips.
It is working fine. But when I add the new
action and I create the url for that
action then
Struts Problem Report
Struts has detected
java struts error - Struts*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
class loginaction extends
struts error
my jsp page is
post the problem...*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
class loginform extends ActionForm{
struts-tablib error - Strutsstruts-tablib error I have got the following
error even after i have included all the jar file of particular
struts-version i am using
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate TagExtraInfo
class getting db in action classgetting db in
action class hi,
Am usin
struts in ma application...
n i need to interact with the db ..
so i used.. getDataSource(request)
but it gives me an
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: LoginAction.getDataSource(Ljavax
problem:struts code - Strutsproblem:
struts code Hi,
Am using struts1.2.I wrote a form(dynavalidator form)with validation after completing the form if we press submit its call the
action class,in
action class i gave forward to same form,the problem is if i
code for sending email using j2mecode for
sending email using j2me could someone tell me why when i... an
What does the
code look like?
ive checked to see if all libs are imported n all needed files and nothing is wrong. This is a simple
code Dispatch Action - StrutsDispatch Action While I am working with Structs Dispatch
Action . I am getting the following
error. Request does not contain handler parameter named 'function'. This may be caused by whitespace in the label text
Create Action classCreate
Action Class
action is an important portion of web application... an
class you need to extend or import the
Action classes or interface... package. The
commonly used
action class is ActionSupport. An example of
action File and data sending;/TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY> <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-
ACTION...File and
data sending Can anyone please tell me how to upload a file along with some
data into the server??I want to do it like the way they do
DispatchAction class? - StrutsDispatchAction
class? HI, Which is best and why either
action class or dispatch
class. like that Actionform or Dynactionform . I know usage.../understandingstruts_
action Servlet - Strutsaction Servlet What is the difference between ActionServlet ans normal servlet?
And why actionServlet is required
Calling Action on form load - Struts of an
Action with no ActionForm is the LogoffAction in the
Struts MailReader...;/action>
action needs no
data other than the user's session, which...Calling
Action on form load Hi all, is it possible to call
struts code - Strutsstruts code how to call lookup dispatchAction
class method using on change of JavaScript
jsp to struts 2 action conversion problem - Strutsjsp to
struts 2
action conversion problem i have one jsp page...
page to a struts2
action?among that one jsp page is wrritten using jpivot,wct
tags(i.e no java
code is involved).remaining pages involve java
code. Hi
Code errorCode error package trail;
import java.util.Iterator;
class Function {
void ext(URL urL, String...)
While using this it shows
error as:
STRUTS... of
Action classes for your project. The latest version of
struts provides classes...
action. In this article we will see how to achieve this.
Struts provides four