What is struts

What is struts?
Please tell me in simple language for what struts is used, it is necessary to learn it can we have some alternate for struts?
What should we need to make a program in struts.

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What are Struts?
What are Struts?  What are Struts? Can anyone explain me what are the Struts framework and what are its uses? Thanks
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What is Struts 2 framework
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What is Struts?
What is a Struts? Understand the Struts framework This article tells you "What is a Struts?". Tells you how Struts learning is useful in creating... based applications after learning the Struts Framework. What is Struts?ADS
In Struts What is Model?
In Struts What is Model? This tutorial explains you What is Model in Struts. Struts is MVC based application and it is separated into three integral parts... of components:ADS_TO_REPLACE_1 Model View and Controller Struts
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What is Struts Framework?
What is Struts Framework? Learn about Struts Framework This article.... If you are trying understand Struts and searching for "What is Struts... Framework. What is Struts Framework?ADS_TO_REPLACE_1 For the sake
What is Struts
Apache Struts is used to create Java web applications using Java Servlet API and Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture. Struts has a set of tag libaries and their associated Java classes. Struts is open-source and uses Java
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What is Struts - Struts Architecture   .... Struts is famous for its robust Architecture and it is being used for developing small and big software projects.  Struts is an open source framework used
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Struts Tutorial
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