How to populate an HTML table using jstl code

How to populate an HTML table using jstl code


I want to populate an HTML table using jstl code.I am using Hasp map.For 1 column its okay it works fine.But if I am suppose to populate 2 or 3 columns from the database than I am having problem to display them.Please help

This is my Code :
String tabvalue,tab1;
java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
String sQuery1 = "select * from company where CompanyName = '" + c.getCompany_Name() + "' " SqlRowSet srs = tpl.queryForRowSet("select CompanyName,CompanyAddress from company");
int rowCount = 0;
while ( {
map.put("tabvalue"+rowCount,srs.getString("CompanyName")); map.put("tab1"+rowCount,srs.getString("CompanyAddress"));
request.setAttribute("map", map);

My jstl code to populate a table is like this:
<form:form method="POST" action = "/companydo.htm" commandName="Company" name="x">
<TABLE class="comonfield1" colspan="3%" align="center" width="500" bgcolor="#808080?>
<c:forEach var='item' items='${map}'>
<c:out value='Key=${item.key}, Value=${item.value}'/>
<c:out value='Key=${item.key}, Value=${item.value}'/>
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