example of before insert trigger in mysql


How to create a simple before insert trigger in MySQL?


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April 25, 2016 at 2:04 PM


The before insert trigger is executed before saving the data into database. Trigger is stored in MySQL database server and executed on the server itself. So, its very fast.

First create table:

create table student(
    id int,
    student_name varchar(15),
    subject1 int,
    subject2 int,
    subject3 int,
    subject4 int,
    subject5 int,
    total int,
    per float,
    status varchar(15)

Now create the trigger:

delimiter $$
Before Insert ON student FOR EACH ROW
    set new.total = new.subject1 + new.subject2 +new.subject3 +
            new.subject4 +new.subject5;
    set new.per = new.total/5;
    if new.per<33 then 
        set new.status="fail";
    elseif new.per>=33 and new.per<45 then
        set new.status="3rd Div";
    elseif new.per>=45 and new.per<60 then
        set new.status="2nd  Div";
        set new.status="1st Div";
    end if;
delimiter ;

Now you can insert the data and check the data inserted into database. Here is the sql to insert sample data:

insert into student(id, student_name, subject1, subject2, subject3, subject4, subject5)
             values (1, 'AAA', 6, 6, 6, 6, 6);

insert into student(id, student_name, subject1, subject2, subject3, subject4, subject5)
             values (2, 'BBB', 33, 33, 33, 33, 40);

insert into student(id, student_name, subject1, subject2, subject3, subject4, subject5)
             values (2, 'CCC', 45, 45, 45, 45, 50);

insert into student(id, student_name, subject1, subject2, subject3, subject4, subject5)
             values (2, 'DDD', 67, 67, 67, 67, 67);

You can use the following query to query the data from database:

select * from student;


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