select result from three tables using sql.

I want to get a result from three tables. i dont how to write the sql query. Please help me.
"I want to display Name,Username and Product_Name where Id=007"

table "register"

Name  Username  Id
Arj   arjun     007
xyz   abcd      008
abcd  asdf      007

table "products"

Product_Id   Product_Name   Price
101           Clothes        200
102           Games          100

table "purchase"     //products.Product_Id=purchase.Item

Username   item    Id
arjun      102     007
abcd       101     008
asdf       102     007

I am not sure, is it possible. but help me. THANKS IN ADVANCE

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February 6, 2013 at 6:10 PM

hi friend,

Use the following SQL query may this will helpful for you

SELECT r.Name,r.Username, p.Product_Name FROM register r, products p,purchase pr
WHERE AND r.Username = pr.Username AND p.ProductId = pr.ProductId

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