How to check text in textbox using JavaScript

How to check text in textbox using JavaScript

I have a form in HTML that contains text feilds and a submit button. The main purpose of this form is to take input from user. My qestion is that is it possible to check text feilds for text or null value. I want the HTML form to be accepted when if has values for all textfeild.

Please guide me.

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January 8, 2013 at 6:14 PM

JavaScript validation example to check text in textfeild

<script language="javascript">
    function validateForm()
    var a=document.forms["RForm"]["Lname"].value;
    if (a==null || a=="")
      alert("please Enter Login Name ");
      return false;
      var b=document.forms["RForm"]["Pass"].value;
    if (b==null || b=="")
      alert("please Enter password");
      return false;

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