problem in selecting second arraylist from mysql database
Below i have attached my code. This code is working.....but i want some modification in that code such that when i select 'vegetable' or 'fruits', it should give list of that selected one in second list, BUT THAT list should be stored in mysql database.
In the below program , i have hard-coded that second list, but i want second list to be dynamic from database.
Please, help me out.
Thank you for your help in advance
problem in selecting second arraylist from mysql database problem in selectingsecondarraylistfrommysql database Hi... in mysqldatabase.
In the below program , i have hard-coded that second list, but i want second list to be dynamic fromdatabase.
Please, help me out.
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heres my code...
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i m sending u my code once again only in which i m facing the problem.
* To change
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String saveFile="";
Connection connection = null;
String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost
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Thanks in advance
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out.println("Couldn't load database driver: " + e.getMessage());
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Note : In the jsp code given below, image will
be retrieved fromdatabase