What is diffennce between AWT & SWING?
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October 30, 2010 at 1:02 PM

Hi friend,

These are basically the main differences between awt and swing.

1.swing components sits on the top of AWT components and do the wiork. 2.AWT components are called HeavyWeight component and Swings are called ligth weight component. 3.swings components are made in purely java and they are platform independent whereas AWT compoents are platform dependent. 4.we can have different look and feel in Swing whereas this feature is not supported in AWT. 4.Swing has many advanced features like JTabel,Jtabbed pane which is not available in awt.

The main difference between AWT and Swing components are the AWT components use native methods whereas Swing components use the methods that are writtern in Java.Hence AWT components are Heavy Weight components and Swing components are Light Weight components.


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