Clarify my last question's answer

Dear expert,

I've tried out many times your solution but I'm not sure why it is not working. And I do not see how your solution is giving me the matching that I hope to do.

Netbean Ide returns a HTTP 500 message and says that the data could not be found.

Perhaps I did not specify my question too clearly.

Here's my 2 database :-


ID, strSub, strtutorType, strLocation

2. tutors

ID, strSubt, strQualificationt, strLocation1

The strQualificationt will have a drop down menu that includes Degree as one of the qualification.
strtutorType will also have the same but is in checkboxes.

strLocation is the location for parents and strLocation1 is the location for the tutors.

Inside the database of tutors and parents contain other fields like name, address, email, contact numbers etc.

My purpose is when I do a search, I'll be able to display the tutors particulars like the contact numbers, id, that match the parents' requirements which include location and qualifications. So, the display will have parent's id, contact number and subjects to be tutored and the matching tutors information like the qualifications that the parents want, as well as the tutor contact and names and the qualifications and subjects that the tutors can teach.

Hope to have your expert's advise. Many thanks.

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June 16, 2010 at 4:17 PM

Hi Friend,

Please clarify your question. Do you want to search through id or through the qualification selected from the drop down menu?


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