Conversion of String to Integer

public class Test
  public static void main(String[] args) {
        int countA = 0;
        int countB = 0;
        int countC = 0;
        int countD = 0;
        int countE = 0;
        int countF = 0;
        int countG = 0;
        int countH = 0;
        int countI = 0;
        int countJ = 0;
        int countK = 0;
        int countL = 0;
        int countM = 0;
        int countN = 0;
        int countO = 0;
        int countP = 0;
        int countQ = 0;
        int countR = 0;
        int countS = 0;
        int countT = 0;
        int countU = 0;
        int countV = 0;
        int countW = 0;
        int countX = 0;
        int countY = 0;
        int countZ = 0;

Can anybody tell me any alternate solution(like loop or something) to automate this initialization process.


for(char chr='A';chr<='Z'; chr++)
            (int) String "count"+chr = 0;


This loop is not working, but i want something like this.

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