program created and compilation error of connection rightly created n tested

// I have made connection as the data source dsn2 and i have also created table named Tab1 in SQL server is compiled correctly but is giving error for connection on which other programs are running smoothly...:(

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Bank extends JFrame

implements ActionListener { static JLabel label1,label2,label3,sep; static JButton


ose,clear; static JTextField txtA1; static JTextField txtA2; static Connection con; static Statement st1,st2,st3; static ResultSet rs1; int numd; int numf; int nume; public Bank() { super(" Mukunth's Bank"); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); try { Class.forName

("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con =



rs1=st1.executeQuery("select * from tab1"); st1=con.createStatement(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println

("there was some error in establishing

connection : "+e); } sep = new JLabel("Existing User

Signin : "); add(sep); label1 = new JLabel(" Account

Number : "); add(label1); txtA1 = new JTextField(15); add(txtA1); label2 = new JLabel(" Name :

txtA2 = new JTextField(15);
sign=new JButton("SIGN IN");
sep = new JLabel("

"); add(sep); sep = new JLabel("

"); add(sep); sep = new JLabel("New User

Signin : "); add(sep); create=new JButton("CREATE

ACCOUNT"); add(create); sep = new JLabel("

"); add(sep); sep = new JLabel("

deposit=new JButton

("DEPOSIT"); add(deposit); withdraw=new JButton

("WITHDRAW"); add(withdraw); trans=new JButton

("TRANSACTION"); add(trans); balance=new JButton("BALANCE"); add(balance); clear=new JButton("CLEAR"); add(clear); sep = new JLabel("

"); add(sep); close=new JButton("CLOSE"); add(close); create.addActionListener(this); deposit.addActionListener(this); withdraw.addActionListener(this); trans.addActionListener(this); balance.addActionListener(this); clear.addActionListener(this); close.addActionListener(this); sign.addActionListener(this); deposit.setEnabled(false); withdraw.setEnabled(false); trans.setEnabled(false); balance.setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent

e) { if(e.getSource()==create) { String stra =


enter the NAME to open a CURRENT

ACCOUNT"); String strb

= JOptionPane.showInputDialog

(null,"Please enter the ACCOUNT

NUMBER"); if(stra==null ||

strb==null) {


Either any one or both the values were left

blank"); deposit.setEnabled(false);




create.setEnabled(true); sign.setEnabled

} else { try {

st2=con.createStatement(); String

rr="insert into tab1 values('"+stra


st2.executeUpdate(rr); st2.close();


(null,"ACCOUNT Created Successfully");


txtA2.setText(stra); } catch(Exception e2) {


There is already a user with same

ACCOUNT NUMBER ,Give another






create.setEnabled(true); sign.setEnabled

(true); } } else if(e.getSource()==sign) {

String num=txtA1.getText(); try {



rs1=st1.executeQuery("Select * from tab1

where AccNum Like '"+num+"'");;


txtA2.setText(rs1.getString("UserName")); } catch

(Exception e2) {


(null,"Invalid Account Number"); }





create.setEnabled(false); } else if(e.getSource()==deposit) { String strc =


enter the amount to be DEPOSITED");

numd=Integer.parseInt(strc); int

numb=Integer.parseInt(txtA1.getText()); if

(numd<=0) {

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null," NO

Amount Deposited"); }

else { try { int



rs1=st3.executeQuery("select * from tab1

where Accnum like '"+txtA1.getText()+"'");;






(null,"Amount Deposited Successfully ,

Amount is "+numd); numf=num




String ss="update tab1 set

Deposit="+num1+" where

AccNum="+numb+""; String

aa="update tab1 set Balance="+numf+"

where AccNum="+numb+"";




st3.close(); } catch

(Exception e2) {


(null,"Amount can not be DEPOSITED"); } } } else if(e.getSource()==withdraw) { String strd =


enter the amount to be WITHDRAWN"); nume=Integer.parseInt(strd); int numc=Integer.parseInt

(txtA1.getText()); if(numf<=nume) {


(null,"Sorry can not Withdraw, no sufficient

Balance"); } else { try { int num1;


rs1=st3.executeQuery("select * from tab1

where Accnum like '"+txtA1.getText()+"'");;






(null,"Amount Withdrawn is "+nume);



st2=con.createStatement(); String

pp="update tab1 set Withdraw="+num1+"

where AccNum="+numc+""; String

pp1="update tab1 set Balance="+numf+"

where AccNum="+numc+"";



st2.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {


Can't WITHDRAW "); }
} }

else if(e.getSource()==balance) { String num=txtA1.getText();



rs1=st3.executeQuery("select * from tab1

where Accnum like '"+num+"'");;




(null,"Balance is "+numf);
} catch(Exception e2) {


Balance null "); }


else if(e.getSource()==trans) {
String strq =


the ACCOUNT NUMBER to view the


numk=Integer.parseInt(strq); int numa=Integer.parseInt

(txtA1.getText()); if

(numk==numa) {


(null,"Amount Deposited is "+numd);


(null,"Amount Withdrawn is "+nume); } else {


Account Number is not the same as in the


else if(e.getSource()==clear) {







create.setEnabled(true); sign.setEnabled(true); } else if(e.getSource()==close) { System.exit(0); } } public static void main(String args[]) { Bank obj = new Bank(); obj.setDefaultCloseOperation

(JFrame.EXITONCLOSE); obj.setSize(250,320); obj.setVisible(true);


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