I want to remove punctuation in text from Java program.
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remove punctuation from string in javaremove punctuation from string in java Hi,
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names = names.replaceAll(",$", "");
//Or a simple substring:
if (names.endsWith(",")) {
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Thanks... static void main(
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String url="http://www.roseindia.net
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I have a list... this?
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List
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remove virtual keypad
from apps java I have an galaxy smart s6830 touch Chinese Mobile (240x320) (myriad
java platform) (esmertec jbed) and I need to
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String []args){
String str="Hello 123.you are At 3456";
String... all type1 into type2.Here our goal to
remove all char.
so you can
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remove them. The easiest way to
remove repeated elements...);
public static void main(
String args[]) {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList
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String[] arg) {
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Hi Friend,
Try this:
public class StripCharacters {
String strip(
String s) {
String st
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Program Result