function validation() { var name=document.forms["insert"]["in_username"]; var age=document.forms["insert"]["in_usera" name="description">

Java find the error 6

<script type="text/javascript">
function validation()
    var name=document.forms["insert"]["in_username"];
    var age=document.forms["insert"]["in_userage"];
    var address=document.forms["insert"]["in_address"];
    var phone=document.forms["insert"]["in_userphone"];

    if(name.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee name");
        return false;
    if(age.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee age");

        return false;

    if(address.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee address");
        return false;

    if(phone.value.length != 10 || phone.value.charAt(0)!=9)
        alert("please enter valid phone number");
        return false;
    return true;

function phone()
var e=window.event || e
var keyunicode=e.charCode || e.keyCode
return (keyunicode>=48 && keyunicode<=57 )? true : false

function age()
var e=window.event || e
var keyunicode=e.charCode || e.keyCode
return (keyunicode>=48 && keyunicode<=57 )? true : false
View Answers

February 8, 2012 at 3:50 AM

<script type="text/javascript">
function validation()
    var name=document.forms["insert"]["in_username"];
    var age=document.forms["insert"]["in_userage"];
    var address=document.forms["insert"]["in_address"];
    var phone=document.forms["insert"]["in_userphone"];

    if(name.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee name");
        return false;
    if(age.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee age");

        return false;

    if(address.value.length == 0)
        alert("please enter employee address");
        return false;

    if(phone.value.length != 10 || phone.value.charAt(0)!=9)
        alert("please enter valid phone number");
        return false;
    return true;

function phone()
var e=window.event || e
var keyunicode=e.charCode || e.keyCode
return (keyunicode>=48 && keyunicode<=57 )? true : false

function age()
var e=window.event || e
var keyunicode=e.charCode || e.keyCode
return (keyunicode>=48 && keyunicode<=57 )? true : false

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