how to store the REsult Set values in array and loop through it in java?

how to store the REsult Set values in array and loop through it in java?

I have two tables Slink and Locate Slink has column name Slinkid ,locate has Locateid,Slinkid. Slink has 9 rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Locate has

        Locateid       Slinkid
            1                 1
            2                 2
            3                 3
            4                 3
            5                 4
            6                 7
            7                 7
            8                 7
            9                 8
            10                8
            11                4
            12                4
            13                9
            14                4

here I need find out howmany locateids are there for Slinkid. Following query is doing that

              "SELECT superlinkid, COUNT(*)  "
                        + "FROM dbo.Locator  "
                        + "GROUP BY Superlinkid

giving me this op

   slinkid     count
           1    1
           2    1
           3    2
           4    4
           7    3
           8    2
           9    1

But I need to store this in array by loop through it. So that, I should able to access this array everywhere in the program. While looping it should loop every rows(14 rows).simply shouldn't give count value.slinkid 4 has locateid 5,11,12,14 so count is 4. array should loop 4 locateids. this i should write it in java. how can i do this?

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