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[myLabel setText:str];
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NSString *tmp=@"10";
NSInteger i=[tmp intValue];
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NSString* strServerResponse;
strServerResponse = [[
NSString alloc]
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Following code will work perfectly:
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NSString to float conversionNSString to float conversion HI,
I my iPhone and iPad application I have to convert
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NSString to float conversion
Why NSString Objective CWhy
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NSString... programming language. You can define the
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NSString How to convert NSString to NSInteger?How to convert
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Use the following code example:
NSString * s= @"100";
NSInteger i = [s intValue];
NSString to float conversionNSString to float conversion HI,
I my iPhone and iPad application I have to convert
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Use the following code:
NSScanner *strXpos
Covert Bool to String - NSString the BOOL value to
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NSString *strTest = [
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But it is giving the runtime.... You can use the following example:
NSString *strTest = (test) ? @"True
iPhone UILabel ColoriPhone
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In this example we'll discuss about the
UILabel class..._TO_REPLACE_1
But first of all lets understand what is
UILabel... a
UILabel over it with a message like "Enter your name" or "Password"
Converting a NSString into NSDateConverting a
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How can I create a NSDate object out of it and then get different components like day, month, date, year from it.
I have date string: Tuesday, October 19, 2010.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
NSString lowercasestringiPhone
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NSString provides three type of methods... in
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The application will give following output:
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NSString uppercaseString()
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NSString is one of them.
Brief Introduction to iPhone
NSString Class:
NSString is a class which inherits from
NSLog print NSString example codeFollowing example prints the value of
NSString object on the console using the NSLog function which can be used to debug the iPhone application.
// ...;
NSString *string; ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
NSString CapitalizedString - Iphone exampleNSString CapitalizedString - Iphone example
Converting a first character... it will not show anything.
Syntax of
NSString CapitalizedString:
NSString *firstCapChar = [[String substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString];
NSString *cappedString
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NSString variable using the NSLog function...;
NSString *string; ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
-(void) print
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UILabel How to implement xml parsing in iphone ? -RV];
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(
NSString *)elementName
NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(
NSString... *)parser foundCharacters:(
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iPhone Slider Example UISlider. It looks like this
IBOutlet UISlider *mswitch;
UILabel..., retain)
UILabel *labelTxt;
we are writing the action on button i.e....;
IBOutlet UISlider *slider;
UILabel *labelTxt
how to get UIView by tag 'viewWithTag''.
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UILabel object from the current view:
UILabel *label = (
UILabel *)[self viewWithTag:100... view:
for (UIView *i in self.view.subviews){
if([i isKindOfClass:[
UILabel Methods in Objective c {
NSString *string;
UIButton* button;
UILabel* label;
@property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIButton* button;
UILabel* label;
how to do CRUDE operation in iphone?-RV;
IBOutlet UITextField *textname;
UILabel *status;
NSString *databasePath;
NSMutableArray *temparray;
//NSMutableDictionary *item;
//IBOutlet UIButton *btnNextview;
NSString *databaseName
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NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"...;
UILabel *stateLabel = [[
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Objective-c Dealloc super class
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NSString *fName;
NSString *lName;
NSString *email;
-(void) set: (
NSString*) f last: (
NSString How to Convert NSStringe into Uppercasestring iPhone how to convert
nsstring into uppercasestring in iphone Application.
You can use the following code block:
NSString *string1 = @"roseindia";
NSString *upperString = [[
NSString alloc] initWithFormat:string1
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NSString as given below..
//loading the path
NSString* path = [[NSBundle..."
//Then loading the content into a
NSString* content = [
NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path
UIPickerView Example;
UILabel *mlabel;
and then create the property
@property (nonatomic, retain)
UILabel *mlabel;
Your...;UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource>
UILabel *mlabel;
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nsstring *abc = [array objectAtindex:1];
you can use this codeADS_TO_REPLACE_1
NSString *abc = [
NSString stringWithString:[array objectAtIndex:i
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iphone Table View {
NSString *identifier = @"...; cell.textLabel.text = [[
NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@" Rose India...; IBOutlet
UILabel *Message; ADS_TO_REPLACE_17
making call
this the code for call to a number
NSString *phoneStr = [[
NSString alloc... for call to a number ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
NSString *phoneStr = [[
NSString alloc... for call to a number
NSString *phoneStr = [[
NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"tel