ADT ,data structure (ArrayList), sorting

Write a program to calculate a bonus for 10 employees of WAFA Supermarket. The program consists of an abstract class Employee. Each employee contains IC number, name, basicSalary, noOfYearService, set methods for each attributes and an abstract method calculateBonus(). Cashier and Supervisor are the subclasses of Employee class. Both subclasses contain bonus attribute and method calculateBonus(). Bonus for a supervisor is calculated by basicSalary * 25% *noOfYearService while bonus for a cashier is basic salary * 15% *(noOfYearService/2).

Store each employee information in different arrayList depending on his/her position (cashier or supervisor).

The program displays a menu with choices ( 1. to add employee information, 2. to delete employee, 3. to display report). Below is a sample format of a report when a user chooses to display a report..

can help me to identify what set methods that should have in this program..and can help me..give some clue in to start this program..

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