Please give me coding for this..

Please give me coding for this..

Write an application that inputs one number consisting of five digits from the user.separates the number ibto its individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another by three spaces each.For Example.if the user types the number 42339,the program should print

4 2 3 3 9

Assume that the user enters the correct number of digits.What happens when you execute the program and type a number with more than five digits??What happens when you execute the program and type a number with fewer than five digits??

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March 1, 2011 at 4:02 PM

Java separate digits by space

import java.util.*;
class   AddSpaceToDigits
    public static String addSpaceToRight(String s, int n) {
     return String.format("%1$-" + n + "s", s);  

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    Scanner  input=new Scanner(;
    System.out.print("Enter number: ");
    int num=input.nextInt();
    String st=Integer.toString(num);
    String digit[]=st.split("");
    for(int i=1;i<digit.length;i++){
    System.out.print(addSpaceToRight(digit[i], 3));

March 6, 2011 at 4:29 PM

sry i dnt knw arrays yet...i want to solve this from any function...

42339/10000=4.2339take 4 from this

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