application of remote procedure call

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_TO_REPLACE_3 To invoke a procedure, we use call abc ( ).The below syntax show you to call procedure : call abc() Result +------+ | z... Use DECLARE Statement in Procedure   
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conference call  hi am a java beginner I want to develop a simple conference call system over a LAN can u please enlighten me on the basics that I have to do and kno first
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conference call  hi am a java beginner I want to develop a simple conference call system over a LAN can u please enlighten me on the basics that I have to do and kno first
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conference call  hi am a java beginner I want to develop a simple conference call system over a LAN can u please enlighten me on the basics that I have to do and kno first
conference call
conference call  hi am a java beginner I want to develop a simple conference call system over a LAN can u please enlighten me on the basics that I have to do and kno first