Dynamic include jsp

I need dynamic include jsp page with an example

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Dynamic include jsp
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Creating dynamic jsp file in java file to include another jsp file  I........ Need to include jsp file in the same content. The below code doesn't help me " jsp:include page="pageValue" " Please help. Thanks In Adv.  
JSP Include jsp
include either a static or dynamic file in a JSP file. If the file is static, its text or content is included in the calling JSP page. If the file is dynamic... JSP Include jsp   
jsp:include action tag
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JSP include directive tag
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jsp:include page=.. and include file = ...
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JSP include directive tag
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The "include" directive of JSP
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JSP:Dynamic Linking - JSP-Servlet
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Include directive vs Include Action
;) includes file into the JSP page at compile time. Include directive should be used...;jsp:include>) includes the output at runtime. Include action (runtime... Include directive vs Include Action   
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Dynamic loading of Combo box list using servlet - JSP-Servlet
Dynamic loading of Combo box list using servlet  I have the category... and the resulst set which you getting passed into your jsp page. Then iterate resultset in jsp by suing jstl or simply as your wish Thanks Rajanikant 
Jsp include directive
Jsp include directive      ... tag.  In Jsp we have provided the facility to include a particular file. By using the include tag the file will be included in the jsp page
Dynamic retrieval od data from database and display it in the table at jsp
Dynamic retrieval od data from database and display it in the table at jsp ... the details of 20 members in a table format at jsp page by dynamically retrieving...; Here is a jsp code that retrieves the data from the database and display