How to launch my web application from my desktop without opening Netbeans IDE everytime i run the application?

How to launch my web application from my desktop without opening Netbeans IDE everytime i run the application?

Hi RoseIndia,

Thanks for ur reply for my previous question but i knw how to create JSP pages, I have completed my web application, now my question is how can i start my web application, wat i mean is i want to create a shortcut for my webapplication in desktop so that whenever i click that i want my web application shd be started, Now everytime i need to open Netbeans IDE then need to start Glassfish server,then type the url, so i dont want all these steps, so i knw that java application can be launched using Java Web Start but dont knw abt web application, Is there any way to do this? Please am really confused, please help me.

Thanks in advance Lissy.

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November 22, 2010 at 12:28 PM

you can create browser shortcut with given ip( for example localhost ) with port number to your project, for server you have to first deploy your project on that and then set it to startup on system start in your system settings as in msconfig or services (in case of windows)or something like that.

but whenever you will run netbeans and the same project via it netbeans will re-deploy it without asking, so you can do it by that way.

Regards Alok sharma

November 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Hi Mr.Alok Sharma

Thanks for the quick response, can you please explain in detail how to create browser shorcut to my project,how to deploy my project on web server(Glassfish), how to set the system settings? I have no idea in this, Please help me.

Thanks in advance Lissy.

November 23, 2010 at 1:43 PM

if you have no ideas about these basics which is assumable if you have started with IDE as netbeans you must first go through some basic tutorials on how to deploy etc. and google can give you some very easily (they are easy). browser shortcut are much easy things you can do it by IExplorer just add your project address to favorites then right click on any of its folder and open them your shortcut will be there.

Regards Alok Sharma

November 25, 2010 at 8:33 AM

I know how to deploy the project, i googled this topic i got java web start s/w, so bit confused i got it, Thanks anyway.

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