JSP Request Object

JSP Request Object ?

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October 26, 2010 at 4:06 PM

request object in JSP is used to get the values that the client passes to the web server during an HTTP request. The request object is used to take the value from the client?s web browser and pass it to the server. This is performed using an HTTP request such as: headers, cookies or arguments. The class or the interface name of the object request is http.httpservletrequest. The object request is written: Javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest.

Methods of request Object:

  • getCookies()
  • getHeader(String name)
  • getCookies()
  • getHeader(String name)
  • getHeader(String name)
  • getHeaderNames()
  • getAttribute(String name)
  • getAttributeNames()
  • getMethod()
  • getParameter(String name)
  • getParameterNames()
  • getParameterValues(String name)
  • getQueryString()
  • getRequestURI()
  • getServletPath()
  • setAttribute(String,Object)
  • removeAttribute(String)

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