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Use update() if you are sure that the session does not contain an already persistent instance
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SQL is structural quary language but mysql is database package
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Thank You In Adv
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JSP is used mainly for presentation only. A JSP can only be HttpServlet that means the only supported protocol in JSP is HTTP
difference between lock and synchronizationdifference between lock and synchronization Hi,
I am new in java please anyone tell me
difference between lock and synchronization in java.
its urgent.
Thank in advance
Please visit the following link:
Difference between forward and sendRedirectDifference between forward and sendRedirect What's the
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RequestDispatcher.forward() and HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() are the two methods available for URL redirecting
Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfigDifference between ServletContext and ServletConfig What is the
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ServletContext :Defines a set of methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its servlet
Difference between translate and replace Difference between translate and replace hiii,
What is the
difference between translate and replace?
Replace replace every instence of character with character sting by the given charator
Difference between GET and POST Difference between GET and POST
Difference between GET and POST ?
difference between a GET and a POST is the way data is transferred to a servlet. With a GET, the URL will show each name/value pair on the query
Difference between http and httpsDifference between http and https
Difference b/w HTTP and HTTPS
please provide answer in tabular form.
Hi Friend,
1)HTTP is hyper text transfer protocol which is responsible for transmitting
Difference between error and exception ????????Difference between error and exception ? Can we handle a error in java if yes than give an code of an example?
Difference between error and exception handling.......
Exceptions are things you can create/throw
difference between applet and swingsdifference between applet and swings what are the major
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Hello Friend,
Hi Friend,
Difference between Swing and Applet:ADS
Difference between jsonstring and json objectDifference between jsonstring and json object Is There any
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What is difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?Hibernate Tutorial: What is
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Hibernate 5...(......)
Check more at:
What's new in
Hibernate 5?
What is
difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?
Here is the differences
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Hibernate 5
What is difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?Hibernate Tutorial: What is
difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?
Hibernate 5... new in
Hibernate 5?
What is
difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?
Here is the differences
between Hibernate 4 and
Hibernate 5.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4
What is difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?Hibernate Tutorial: What is
difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?
Hibernate 5...(......)
Check more at:
What's new in
Hibernate 5?
What is
difference between Hibernate 4 and 5?
Here is the differences
between Hibernate 4 and
Hibernate 5
Difference between Struts and SpringDifference between Struts and Spring What are the
difference between Struts and Spring?
Hi Friend,
1)Struts is a web framework while Spring is not.
2)Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts
difference between $message and $$messagedifference between $message and $$message What is the
difference between $message and $$message?
Hi friends,
$message is a simple variable whereas $$message is a reference variable.
$name = 'Bharat