basic html

basic html

what is the difference between html4 and html5 ?

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April 14, 2012 at 12:44 PM


1)HTML5 brings in new elements to structure the web pages as compared to HTML4 which uses common structures such as: ? header, columns etc.

2)HTML5 brings a whole new dimension to web world. It can embed video on web-pages without using any special software like Flash.

3)HTML5 is considered to be flexible to handle inaccurate syntax. HTML5 specifies the rules related to the parsing and lexing as compared to HTML4. This means that even if there is an incorrect syntax, similar result is produced by various complaint browsers.

4)HTML4 supports the ?tag soup? i.e. the ability to inscribe malformed code and get them accurately on the document. But there are no written rules or guidelines for doing this. This implies that malformed documents are to be tested on various browsers.

5)To tackle this issue, HTML5 is being developed in such a way so that the developers need not waste their time and efforts in creating an error free web page.

6)Unlike its predecessor, HTML5 also includes many new tags and also new names for older tags with extra features like: local storage wherein a lot of information can be stored, JS-based hacks or Flash, validation form etc. so as to make the applications easy for the developers and speedier for the users.

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