What is EJB poles,mainfest,jar files?
What is nongraphical bean?
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For more information on
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http... in EJB.That is what is the main difference between StateFul and StateLess
beans and Entity Beans.Thank you inadvance. Hi friend,
# Stateless Session
Beans Enterprise Beans
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Types of enterprise
EJB 3.0 defines
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My Python program is throwing following error:
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Enterprise Beans
beans are the
Java EE server side components
that run inside the
ejb container... that the application must be scalable.
Types of enterprise
EJB 3.0 defines
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beans) which are
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Java EE server managed..._TO_REPLACE_5
java:global :- Used to find out the remote enterprise
java... ).
java:module :- use to find out the local enterprise
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Introduction To Enterprise BeansIntroduction To Enterprise
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<%@page language="
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Q, Sun
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private String name;
private String code;
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