Rico Tutorial

Rico is a JavaScript based Ajax framework for creating web applications. It is used to add Ajax support in the web applications.

Rico Tutorial

Rico Tutorial


In this section we will understand the Rico framework.

What is Rico?

Rico is a JavaScript library for developing Ajax based applications easily. The Rico framework is Based on Prototype framework. The Rico framework includes grids, calendar & tree controls, drag & drop, and cinematic effects. You can use these features of Rico framework to create rich internet applications. Its object-oriented framework makes it easy to add richness to your web application.

Rico is the both free you can use open Source both  for use commercial and personal use. Rico use is make XmlHttpRequest and provided the simple interface building drag and drop feature .Rico it is also provides behaviors such as an accordion component and "LiveGrid". The Rico  LiveGrid connects HTML tables to AJAX responses so tables can display an unlimited amount of data scrolled into view on the fly, as needed. The rico also provided  a JavaScript library single JavaScript object , AjaxEngine , for adding HTML page .The Rico it is also responded correctly to a new word with a single exposure and  apparently using a canine equivalent of the fast mapping mechanism used by humans. Rico was told to retrieve the new object, using a word that he had never heard before. The Rico is open source JavaScript framework for creating and extending Ajax applications.  

Downloading Rico

The open rico from this url:


Installing Rico
The Rico is open source JavaScript library for creating a internet application.  


Rico Simple Example

<script src="prototype.js"></script>
<script src="rico.js"></script>
<div style="padding:3px;border:1px solid #66FF00;height:30px">
<div class="box" style="background:#00CCFF" id="dragme">Drag Me</div>


<table style="margin-bottom:5px" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
<div id="droponme" class="simpleDropPanel" style="background:#00FFFF">
<div class="title">Drop 1</div>


<div id="droponme2" class="simpleDropPanel" style="background:#99FFCC" >
<div class="title">Drop 2</div>
dndMgr.registerDraggable( new Rico.Draggable('test-rico-dnd','dragme') );
dndMgr.registerDropZone( new Rico.Dropzone('droponme') );
dndMgr.registerDropZone( new Rico.Dropzone('droponme2') );

dndMgr.registerDraggable( new Rico.Draggable('test-rico-dnd','dragme') );
dndMgr.registerDropZone( new Rico.Dropzone('droponme') );
dndMgr.registerDropZone( new Rico.Dropzone('droponme2') );

This program show the display massage through the mouse. Rico is <script src="rico.js"></script> use this command for drag and drop . This is very important thing for rico program . Actually Rico is scripting language . So depend on the JavaScript language . 

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