Snowflake Tutorials, Certification and Study guide

Learn and master a very popular cloud based Data ware-house. Learn to use Snowflake for running and managing Cloud Data-warehouse of scale.

Snowflake Tutorials, Certification and Study guide

Snowflake Tutorials: Learn Snowflake from scratch and master

Snowflake is a very popular Cloud Native Data ware-house on the Cloud environment, which is being used by many companies and organisations for running their data ware-house on the cloud infrastructure. In this tutorial we are going to learn Snowflake from the beginning.

Snowflake Tutorials, Certification and Study guide

You should have prior cloud experience and be aware of the relational database system. Prior experience in programming, SQL and database is a must to learn Snowflake. Anyone having experience in database management or programming can learn Snowflake and acquire high in-demand skills. You can also pursue any of the Snowflake certification for better job opportunities. For Snowflake certification through knowledge and experience in managing data ware-house on Snowflake is required.