Vehicle Tracking Technology

Vehicle tracking systems are devices used for tracking location of vehicles in real time. This is made possible by installing electronic devices in the vehicle. Read vehicle tracking technology here.

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Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Web 2.0 Model
Web 2.0 includes two major model move, one is ?user generated content? and other is ?thin client computing?. View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Web 2.0 Innovations
Innovations associated with ?Web 2.0? Web-based applications and desktops Ajax, the rich internet application technique has prompted the development of web-sites that copy personal computer applications like (M.S. Office package) word processing, the s View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Shortcomings And Restrictions of RIAs
Despite of having flair advantage over the standard web application, RIAs have several shortcomings and restrictions too. View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial RIAs Methods And Techniques
JavaScript It is the first major client side language technology that has the ability to run code and installed on several major of web clients. Earlier its uses were relatively limited but the development in DHTML makes possible to piece together an RIA View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Web 3.0 Design
RSS. A Web 3.0 Driver In the coming ten years RSS and its related technologies will become the single most important Internet technology because of its specific quality to development of the new web as it?s really very simple. Any person who has a little View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Overview of Web 3.0
As the times goes and the technology enriches, the experts feels to develop some thing better that can be more fruitful, advance, user friendly and intelligent. Thus originates the concept of web 3.0 and now it is taking a handsome shape. Web 3.0 have so View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Web Format
The Semantic Web The term ?Semantic Web? refers to "Defined" Web that is an alliance of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and others to provide a standard for defining data structures on the Web. Semantic Web refers to the use of XML-tagged data that match View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Benefits of RIAs
RIAs are usually richer in functionality as they offer user-interface behaviors using only the HTML widgets that can include any technology being used by the client side, including drag and drop, using a slider to change data, calculations performed only View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Rich Internet Application
The term RIA (Rich Internet Applications) refers to web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications, it means Rich Internet Applications are a cross between web applications and traditional desktop application View Rating

Vehicle Tracking Technology
Tutorial Rich Internet Application Development
Traditional Web applications displays in a series of Web pages that needs a distinct download for each page, this is called web page paradigm. On the other hand RIA takes no longer time in downloading the page because the client engine may be prefetching View Rating
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