
Java Tutorials - Best Java Tutorials Directory. Java is a portable object-oriented language developed by Sun Microsystems. Originally used mostly for web programming, it is now used primarily to develop large web-based applications. Find tutorials, example codes about Sun Java Technology.

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Tutorial Applet in Java
Applet is a Java program designed for execution within the web browser. They are embedded into HTML pages and run on Java enabled web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. An applet is a Java subclass that extends the java.applet.Applet class. Applets are also useful for a small Internet and intranet applications. They run remotely on the client browser and cannot access system resources on the local computer. They make a website more dynamic. View Rating

Tutorial SubString in Java
SubString(), a method of String class is used to get a part of original string as String object. This method is defined in java.lang.String class. This method returns part of String started from beginIndex up to the end of the original string. If beginIndex is equal to length in SubString(int beginIndex) it will return empty String. View Rating

Tutorial Inheritance in Java
Inheritance, one of the important concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) defines a general class and establishes a subtype from an existing object. What are the Benefit of using inheritance. Inheritance allows access of properties and methods of super class by a sub class. Extend keyword is used to inherit all the properties of the super-classes by subclasses. View Rating

Tutorial Annotations in Java
Annotations behave like metadata and provide data about a program that is not part of the program itself. They are used to associate program elements with the meta tags so that the compiler can generate interdependent code to support the annotated elements. Developing annotations helps in faster development of program. Multi-value annotations are used to pass the values to multiple data members. View Rating

Tutorial J2EE Tutorial
This section is for those who want to write the fast, secure and reliable distributed transactional applications for the enterprise, e-commerce, and enterprises applications. In this section we will discuss what is J2EE, features of J2EE applications, J2EE tiered applications, Web Container, J2EE versions etc. View Rating

Tutorial HashMap in Java
HashMap class is used to implement Map interface. The value of HashMap is stored using get() and put(). HashMap provides key-value access to data. HashMap is almost equal to HashTable, the only difference is that HashMap allows null value and is unsynchronized. HashMap does not guarantee the order of the map. This means that it is not necessary that the order in which the elements are read by Iterator is same to the order in which they were added. View Rating

Tutorial Wrapper Class in Java
Wrapper classes provide object methods for the eight primitive data types in Java. If a method expects an Object but programmer needs to send in a primitive data type, it can only be achieved by using Wrapper Classes in Java. For example, if you want to store a mapping between an integer value 50 (int i = 50) to an Object wrapper classes must be used. View Rating

Tutorial Java Tutorial
This tutorial covers all the topics of Java Programming language. In this section you will learn about what is Java, download java, Java environment set up, features of Java, keywords in Java, data types in Java, conventions in Java, Java identifiers, access specifiers, variables in Java, Java literals, Java operators, conditional statements, loops in Java. View Rating

Tutorial Abstract Class in Java
Abstract class in Java is a class that is declared using abstract keyword. It cannot be instantiated but can be extended into subclass. Abstract class cannot be instantiated means that new instances of an abstract class cannot be created. When an abstract class is extended into subclass, the abstract method of abstract class must be defined in the subclass. View Rating

Tutorial OOPs concepts in Java
Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) concepts in Java helps in creating programs that are based on real world. OOPs is very flexible and compatible and hence is the most used concept in developing larger applications. The software application that are developed on the OOPs concepts at first analyze the program then prepare a solution, do the coding and then maintains it. View Rating
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