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Tutorial Pointer Example
This type of example is basically used in touch screen technology, here we are trying to create a pointer which location is based on the screen touch pointer. The source code for this small example of touch screen application. View Rating

Tutorial Ring Tones MIDlet Example
In this example only two Ring Tones are created using Player class. View Rating

Tutorial User Define Alert Example
Creating a user defined alert message, In the given example we have created a image that can be fill with some colors and text. View Rating

Tutorial Video Player MIDlet Example
This example is all about how to play the MPEG files on your mobile device. To play the video file we have to import the package and certain sub-package that are required for the application. View Rating

Tutorial Get Tomorrow Date
In this Tutorial we want to describe you a code that help you in understanding Get Tomorrow Date. View Rating

Tutorial Get System Ip
The System IP address is a unique numerical identification assigned to a different system involved in the network for communication. View Rating

Tutorial Get Time And Date
The Class Date provides you a specific instant in time( millisecond) precision. This class enabled you to interprets allowed dates as year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values and date formatting and parsing of date string. View Rating

Tutorial Get Time Zone
Time Zone class inherits from a Java.util.time zone. This class represents a time zone offset. View Rating

Tutorial Get Time Now
Format is an abstract class that is used for formatting local-sensitive information like date, number and message. View Rating

Tutorial JavaScript array sort numerically
As in our previous example of sorting array elements alphabetically we have used the default sort method to sort array elements but here in this example of sorting array elements ( numeric elements ). View Rating
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