Simple Bank Application in JSP

In this section, we have developed a simple bank application in jsp . In this application user can Update the User Profile.

Simple Bank Application in JSP

Simple Bank Application in JSP


In this section, we have developed a simple bank application in jsp . In this application user can Update the User Profile, Cash Transaction, check the account Deposit/Withdraw Cash details and display transaction report  for particular time period. We run this Bank Application on Apache Tomcat Server. To Download the latest version of  Server click on the link Download the code and Run the application on browser with the  url. http://localhost:8080/bank/index.jsp 


Brief description of the flow of the application: 
Step 1: Create a Home Page ("index.jsp") to Login and New User Registration.

Step:2 Create a web page ("saveuser.jsp")  to Register the new user.

Step:3 Create a web page ("login.jsp")  to login the user.

Step 4: Create a Web Page ("welcome.jsp") to Show After successful registration


*It Consists Of Three Hyperlinks.

  1)Update Profile   : To update the User Details.
  2).Cash Transaction  : To Deposit/Withdraw Cash for a Particular Account No.
  3).View Transaction  :To Display the report of all the transactions within a time period 

Step 5 : Create a web page ("saveuserjsp") to Update profile.


Step 6 : Create a web page ("cash.jsp") to Deposit/Withdraw Cash Amount.


Step 7 : Create a web page ("viewstatement.jsp") to display all the transaction details.

Download the application