Java example to get the execution path

We can get the execution path of the system in java by using the system property. For getting execution path we have used "user.dir" property of the system.

Java example to get the execution path

We can get the execution path of the system in java by using the system property. For getting execution path we have used "user.dir" property of the system.

Java example to get the execution path

Java example to get the execution path


get execution path

We can get the execution path of the system in java by using the system property. For getting execution path we have used "user.dir" property of the system. Here is the list of some of the system properties :

  • user.dir  user's current execution path or current working directory 
  • user.home user's home directory
  • user's account name
  • path.separator path separator
  • java.home java installation directory
  • java.class.path java class path

Here is the full example code of as follows:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class GetExecutionPath
  public static void main(String args[]) {
      String executionPath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
      System.out.print("Executing at =>"+executionPath.replace("\\", "/"));
    }catch (Exception e){
      System.out.println("Exception caught ="+e.getMessage());


C:\javaexamples>javac GetExecutionPath.jav

C:\javaexamples>java GetExecutionPath
Executing at =>C:/javaexamples

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