Java example program to get the operating system's version

You can check your current system's operating system version by the java code also. For this purpose you have to use the System's property "os.version".

Java example program to get the operating system's version

You can check your current system's operating system version by the java code also. For this purpose you have to use the System's property "os.version".

Java example program to get the operating system's version

Java example program to get the operating system's version


java get OS version

You can check your current system's operating system version by the java code also. For this purpose you have to use the System's property "os.version". Its very simple to know your operating system's version in java. This program displays how one can use the System.getProperty() method to get Operating System Version.

In this example java program we have fetched the operating system's version by using the System.getProperty("os.version").

String osVersion= System.getProperty("os.version");

Above line of code gets the operating system's version and stores version in a string osVersion. Here is the full source code of as follows:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class GetOSVersion
  public static void main(String args[]) {
  String osVersion= System.getProperty("os.version");
  System.out.println("Operating system version =>"+ osVersion);
  }catch (Exception e){
  System.out.println("Exception caught ="+e.getMessage());

Output of our program :


C:\javaexamples>java GetOSVersion
Operating system version =>5.0

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