this is my javascript code to display all errors in one single alert box, but i am not getting this,please help me to sort out this?

this is my javascript code to display all errors in one single alert box, but i am not getting this,please help me to sort out this?

    <script language = "JavaScript">
function checkName(text) {
if(isNaN(text)){ return 1;}
else{alert("Please enter a valid name. The only charachters accepted are A - Z and a - z");return 0;}
function checkAddress(text) {
if(isNaN(text)){ return 1;}
else{alert("Please enter a valid address. The only charachters accepted are A - Z and a - z");return 0;}

function validate(){
   var Errortext="";

        var nn1=document.form.fname;
        var nn2=document.form.lname;
        var add=document.form.address;
        var gen=document.form.radios;
        var mobile=document.form.mobilenumber;
        var city=document.form.cityname;
        var state=document.form.statename;
        var zip=document.form.zip1;
        var password=document.form.pass;
        var cpassword=document.form.cpass;

      if(nn1.value == ""){
      Errortext+="Please enter first name\n";

    return false;
     else if (checkName(nn1.value)==false){
      return false

      else if (nn2.value == ""){
      Errortext+="please enter your name\n";

    return false;
      if (checkName(nn2.value)==false){
      return false
       else if ( (gen[0].checked == false ) && ( gen[1].checked == false ) ){
    Errortext+="please check your gender: Female or Male\n";
    return false;
      else if ((emailID.value == "" ||emailID.value.indexOf('@', 0) == -1) ||emailID.value.indexOf('.') == -1){
      Errortext+="please enter proper email id\n";
      return false;
    else if(mobile.value=="")
    Errortext+="please Enter the Contact Number\n";
    return false;
    else if(isNaN(mobile.value)||(mobile.value.length!=10))
    Errortext+="Enter the valid Mobile Number\n";
    return false

     Errortext+="password should be filled\n";
      return false;
      Errortext+="confirm password should be filled\n";
      return false

    Errortext+="Please enter Password and confirm password and both should be same\n";
      return false


  if (add.value == ""){
    Errortext+="Please enter address\n"; 
    return false;
    if (checkAddress(document.form.address.value)==false){
      return false
      Errortext+="please enter your city\n";
      return false;
      Errortext+="please enter your state\n";

      return false;
  if( zip.value == "" || isNaN(zip.value ) ||zip.value.length != 6 ){
        Errortext+= "Please provide a zip in the format ######.\n";
        return false;
       alert( Errortext) 
    return false; 

    return true

    <form name="form"  onSubmit="return validate()">
    First Name<input type="text" name="fname" id="fn" size="30">
    Last Name<input type="text" name="lname" id="ln" size="30">
    Gender<input type="radio" name="radios" value="male">Male <input type="radio" name="radios" value="Female">Female
    Enter an Email Address<input type="text" name="email" size="30">
    Mobile Number<input type="text" name="mobilenumber">
    Password<input type="password" name="pass">
    Confirm Password<input type="password" name="cpass">
    Address1<input type="text" name="address">
    Address2<input type="text" name="add2">
    Address3<input type="text" name="add3">
    City<input type="text" name="cityname">
    State<input type="text" name="statename">
    ZIP<input type="text" name="zip1">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

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