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help needed - Java Interview Questionshelp needed What are the new features added in jdk 1.5? Hi friend,
The following were the new features added in
java 1.5....
* Autoboxing/unboxing
This link will
help you
help me in these - Java Interview Questionshelp me in these hello every body
i have some question if you cam... with its characters reversed . ( tool to loot) then test your method in
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7) write a method that takes an integer value
help plz - Java Interview Questionshelp plz 1 )write a program that does the following :
a. prompts the user to input five decimal numbers representing the scores?
b. prints... , if the input string is abcd, the output is : edcba
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help help plz - Java Interview Questionshelp plz 1 )write a program that does the following :
a. prompts the user to input five decimal numbers representing the scores?
b. prints the five decimal numbers?
c. converts each decimal number to the nearest integer?
plz help - Java Interview Questionsplz help 1)write a
java program that prompts the user to input a decimal number and print the number rounded to the nearest integer?
2)write aprogram that prompts the user to input the five decimal numbers representing scors
Core Java Interview questions and answers
Core Java Interview questions and answers
So, we have tried to create most frequently asked
Core Java Interview Questions
and answers in one place.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Core Java Interview Questions
help me plz - Java Interview Questionshelp me plz 1)write a
java program that prompts the user to input a decimal number and print the number rounded to the nearest integer?
2)write aprogram that prompts the user to input the five decimal numbers representing
plz help me - Java Interview Questionsplz
help me 1)Rewrite the method in exercise 10 such that it use the binary search algorithm instead.
the linear search algorithm is suitable... .
use linear search for this algorithm .then test your method in
java application
help today plz:( - Java Interview Questionshelp today plz:( write a program that promptes the user to enter the weight of a package in pounds, and then outputs the weight of the backage in to kilograms
(one kilogram is approximately, 2.2 pounds)?
but i don't use
i need your help - Java Interview Questionsi need your help Write a
java program that:
i. Allows user to enter 2 numbers from the keyboard
ii. Uses a method to compare the two numbers to determine which is larger
iii. Print to the screen stating which number is larger
CORE - Java Interview QuestionsCORE Hai this is jagadhish.
My doubt in
core java is,How many design patterens are there in
core java?
Thanks inadvance... Hi friend... patterns in
Java. These patterns are grouped under three heads:
1. Creational Patterns
core - Java Interview Questionscore is
java is passed by value or pass by reference? hi... variables affect the caller?s original variables.
Java never uses call by reference.
Java always uses call by value.
public class CallByValue
core java question - Java Interview Questionscore java question I Have been asked the question in
why we use constructors?????
what is the need of constructors??
what is the utility of constructors???? to intialize the instance variabe we
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... value to the variable str then
str = ?
core java?; then the value...?
And the memory address 54321 will have value ?
core java? and the variable str will now
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...: Serialization is the process of writing complete state of
java object... the instance of a Serializable object as an argument.
- Close the streams
Java Code
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... and Unchecked Exceptions in
Java ?
Answer: All predefined exceptions in
Java... throws clause. If you dont, compilation of program will fail. ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Java Core Java Interview Question, Interview Question
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... to a remote computer using such client/server
Java technologies as RMI or socket... in Web applications .
To activate/passivate enterprise
java beans.
To send
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... the main difference between a Vector and an ArrayList
Java Vector class....
Question: What
comes to mind when you hear about a young generation in
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... is a direct member of a package. Inner classes, which became available with
Java... of classes does not have any name and its like a local class
Java Anonymous
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Question: How are
Java source code files named?
Answer: A
Java source code... the .
java extension. ADS_TO_REPLACE_4
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Answer: If you are running
Java on English Windows platforms, it is probably Cp1252. If you are running
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... to the
Java runtime system.
How many times may an object's finalize...: A program's main() method takes an argument of the String[] type.
Question: Which
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... group. ADS_TO_REPLACE_3
Question: What is a
Java package and how is it used?
Java package is a naming context for classes and interfaces. A package is used
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... of
java object into output stream, that stream can be file or byte array or stream... the instance of a Serializable object as an argument.
- Close the streams
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... not access the same account simultaneously. This is done in
Java using synchronization..._TO_REPLACE_2
Java Code Example synchronized ( B ) { if ( D > B.Balance
Core java - Java Interview QuestionsCore java Hai this is jagadhish.Iam learning
core java.In java1.5 I... if any body
help me.Thank you inadvance. Hi friend,
core java - Java Interview Questionscore java What are transient variables in
java? Give some...://
Thanks Hi friend,
The transient is a keyword... to :