PHP Tutorial

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PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Static Variable and Methods
In this tutorial we will study when we should use static methods and variables. Static keyword is used to make only one copy of the variable for the class. If we declare a method as static then we can access the method using class, without instantiating any object. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Autoload
It is very common in PHP programming that we need to write long listing of files which has to be include in a single file. It is indeed a hectic job for each PHP programmer. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Mutator Accessor
In object-oriented programming, the mutator method (also called "setter") is used to initialize the member variables of a class. On the other hand accessor methods are used to get the values of the private data member. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Inheritance Class
Inheritance is a property of Object Oriented Programming, PHP also supports this principle in its programming as object model. With the help of this property classes and objects get more flexibility, scalability in programming View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Form Part-6 - How to Deals with Text Boxs
In the previous part of HTML FORM tutorial, we learned how to deal with text box. In this part of the tutorial we will learn how to deal with radio buttons. A radio button does not give the choice to the users to select multiple option. It restrict the user to having only one choice. We are going to use the radio button in the previous tutorial coding. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Create Instance
In the current tutorial we will study how to instantiate an object in PHP. Example will help you to learn it precisely. You will also come to know about the use of new, -> operator. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Form Part-5
In the previous parts of this tutorial, we covered form attributes, input type attributes and Submit button attributes. Now, this is the time to use all these properties into one form and gets the information that we are inserting into the textbox. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Class Constant
In this tutorial we will study how to declare a class constant in PHP. Sometimes we need to have constant values in our program which remains same through and through. We do not need to put a '$' sign before the constant to use or to declare it. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Constructor and Destructor
In this current tutorial we will study about constructor and destructor of OOP.Like other OOP based languages PHP also supports constructor method for classes. As any other language's constructor method, in PHP constructor method is called for every object creation. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Class Object
In object oriented programming a class can be an abstract data type, blue print or template. You could consider the name of a class as noun like name of a person, place or thing. For example Fruit is a class, where apple, orange are the object of this class. View Rating
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