PHP Autoload


PHP Autoload

It is very common in PHP programming that we need to write long listing of files which has to be include in a single file. It is indeed a hectic job for each PHP programmer.

It is very common in PHP programming that we need to write long listing of files which has to be include in a single file. It is indeed a hectic job for each PHP programmer.

PHP Autoloading Classes:

It is very common in PHP programming that we need to write long listing of files which has to be include in a single file. It is indeed a hectic job for each PHP programmer.

But with the advent of PHP 5.0, this is not necessary anymore. We can define an   _autoload function to call automatically the class/interface which has not been defined yet.


PHP Autoload Class Example:


function _autoload($classname){

require_once $classname.'.php';


$obj=new mysqli();



No Output will be generated

