PHP Tutorial

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PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP FORM Part-7
In this part of this tutorial we are going to learn about the loop. Let's see what is loop and how can we save our tons of time by using loop? So what?s a loop then? A loop is something that moves into circle like a tier of bicycle. In programming, it?s similar to the bicycle tier. Apart from a programming loop, it will move into a circle till the time anyone tell it to stop.  View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Singleton Method
In the current php tutorial we will study about singleton pattern of PHP, which is another type of designing pattern. Examples will help you understand in better way. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Factory Method
It is very common problem that sometimes we need to change a little in our coding and subsequently we have to change so many places like in other class, function etc. It is called tight coupling. In this case factory pattern helps us a lot. In the current tutorial we will study about factory method and how to implement this in PHP. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Design Patterns
In this tutorial we will study what is a design pattern and in the subsequent pages we will study about various design patterns supported by PHP. A design pattern is like a template which guides us to solve a problem. Design patterns are not finished design that can be transformed directly into code. In Object Oriented based design patterns we can get the interactions and relationships between classes or objects. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Call By Reference
In this tutorial we will study about call by reference, in which we pass the reference of the variable and modify the values inside another function. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Object Iteration
This PHP tutorial will introduce a new feature which has been introduced in PHP 5 called Object iteration. In PHP 5 a new way for objects is introduced to iterate through a list of items. In this technique we generally use foreach statement. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Polymorphism Function
PHP Polymorphism Function is one of the feature of OOP. Generally we get polymorphism in two ways: Compile time, Run time. In this tutorial we will study about which polymorphism is supported by PHP and which one is not. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Interface Class
In this tutorial you will study about interface of PHP, how to declare and implement an interface, what points should be kept in mind when we declare an interface etc. Interface is also a class but it has few constraints unlike any other ordinary concrete class and it supports the multiple inheritance. View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Access Specifiers
In the current tutorial we will get to know about different types of access specifiers or visibility in PHP. You will also come to know that what could be difference in public, private and protected access specifiers. What could be the difference if we use these keywords before a method and before variables. Examples will exemplify each of the above concepts View Rating

PHP Tutorial
Tutorial PHP Abstract Class
In this tutorial we will study about abstract class in PHP, how to declare, use an abstract class etc. Examples will help you to understand the concepts of abstract class more precisely. View Rating
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