<%! DBConnect d=new DBConnect(); %> Place Ad

Programming Error

<%@ import="java.sql.*"%>
DBConnect d=new DBConnect();

<TITLE> Place Ad </TITLE>


<BODY BGCOLOR="lightblue">
<marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount=5 scrolldelay=10><h1><font size=5 face="Stroustroup" color="#993355">Advertisement Management System</h1></font></marquee><br>
State:<input type=text name="State" size=25><br>
City:<input type=text name="City" size=25><br>
Main Category:<input type=text name="MainCat" size=25><br>
Sub Category:<input type=text name="SubCat" size=25><br>
<p>Draft Your Ad Here:
Count:<input type=text name=count value="Count"></p>
<input type=submit name=submit value="Browse"></p>
<a href="">Another Image</a>
Phone No:
Select Newspaper:
Select Your Date:<texbox>Month<textbox>Year<textbox>
Select Number of Days:<textbox>
<p>Confirm:<input type=checkbox name=confirm ><input type=button name=submit value=Payment>


How to get the details from database.
Eg. Suppose there are many states that are seen in this field then from the state combo box it selects 1 and then this continues further then when it check the chekbox ie confirm then only the data should get displayed in next page where he will review his ad .
I want that when user type something in draft your ad then user should have option to bold,italic,underline,color,font ,align the text then how to do this I am stuck over here .
I too want to validate this fields accordingly.
And i also want that when user clicks browse button it gets folder from which he can select some images he want and that should get save in database and also should get displayed on the next page i.e preview page .

and i also want that as user starts typing in draft ad in Count box the no.of characters should get displayed automatically .

After this is done user should check the confirm button and the review will get displayed on next page.

and how to store images in Access Database please reply me ... Please??
View Answers

January 23, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Hi Friend,

Do you want to create a combo box for states and cities?What is Main Category and Sub Category?

Please clarify your question.


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